Pease Park Conservancy is excited to partner with Joan Klasson of Small Wonders Theater for a recycled material puppet-making workshop at the Pease Park Tudor Cottage! This event is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome and all supplies will be provided.
What to Expect:
Join Joan Klasson of Small Wonders Theater inside the Tudor Cottage for a workshop that will give a second life to discarded materials! We will provide paper bags and decorations for you and your kids, friends, and loved ones to create the puppet of your dreams!
About Small Wonders Theater
Joan Klasson is the founder and artist behind Small Wonders Theater. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Joan studied painting at Pels Academy in New York, Boston University School of Fine Arts, and the University of Texas at Austin School of Fine Arts. Joan Klasson has been an art teacher in the acclaimed Eanes School District since 1978 and a member of the Puppeteers of America since 1979. Taking great pride in the unique art form of puppet design and construction, Ms. Klasson brings magical and theatrical pageantry to each performance of Small Wonders.
Learn about all the offerings Small Wonders Entertainment provides here.
Una nota sobre los eventos de Pease Park Conservancy: Si se inscribe, haga todo lo posible por asistir. Nuestros actos son gratuitos para que todos los miembros de la comunidad puedan asistir. Pero planeamos nuestros eventos para que sean significativos para el número de personas que se registran para estar allí, así que por favor haga todo lo posible para asistir si se ha registrado. Entendemos que de vez en cuando surgen imprevistos, pero si te has inscrito, esperamos contar con tu presencia. Muchas gracias.