Ayude a Conservancy a mantener el Parque Pease durante muchos años.
Pease Park Conservancy es una organización sin ánimo de lucro 501(c)3 que depende del apoyo público para restaurar, mejorar y mantener este espacio verde de 84 acres. Su generosidad mantiene la salud de Pease Park.
If you have any questions please contact jordan@peasepark.org and della@peasepark.org.
one time donation
Browse bonfire
Visit Pease Park Conservancy’s Bonfire page to purchase official merch and support our work!
business VOLUNTeering
Volunteering with your fellow colleagues is a great way to do some team-building while giving back to your community!
Give A Gift from Our AMAZON Wish List
Make a purchase from our Amazon Wish List to be sent directly to the Conservancy’s Park Operations & Conservation Teams for their daily work in the park.
Nuestra dotación permanente
Pease Park Conservancy también tiene una dotación financiera permanente en la Austin Community Foundation. El fondo se puso en marcha en 2012 a través de una campaña inicial que aportó aproximadamente 200.000 dólares. Podemos retirar aproximadamente el 5% anual para proporcionar una financiación sostenible para la preservación y mejora a largo plazo de Pease Park.
Conviértase en un guardián de la paz
Join our sustainable giving program and provide a dependable source of income for PPC.
Give to Pease Park Conservancy with the ease of Venmo: @peasepark
Give to Pease Park Conservancy through Zelle: amy@peasepark.org
Make checks payable to Pease Park Conservancy. Please mail your check to
P.O. Box 50065
Austin, TX 78763
El Fondo de Sostenibilidad Richard Craig
The Richard Craig Sustainability Fund honors Pease Park Conservancy’s founder by providing a stable source of revenue for the Conservancy’s operations. Richard Craig created the Conservancy in response to a decline in the ecological viability of Pease Park, and Richard’s work is largely responsible for reversing that decline.
The Fund provides a secure source of revenue that will help: maintain and sustain the park’s complex ecology, ensure that the Conservancy remains financially robust through shifts in the economic climate, and allow the Conservancy to plan for and seed future phases of implementation of the award-winning Pease Park Master Plan.
Donación por transferencia de acciones
A través de la Austin Community Foundation, Pease Park Conservancy puede recaudar donaciones mediante acciones.
Make a Planned Gift
Your may wish to support Pease Park Conservancy through your wills or estate plans.